
The francophile from Stoke.

Interesting, but Simplistic

2018-05-02 Books

La Différence Invisible

Year: 2016  ▪  200 pages
Authors: Mademoiselle Caroline
  Julie Dachez
Language: French
Estimated Level: B1-B2 (CEFR)
ISBN: 978-2756072678

Rated:  (3)

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La Différence Invisible is a graphic novel about a young French woman called Marguerite who experiences extreme social difficulties in her daily life and turns out to have Asperger’s Syndrome.

My interest was piqued by a free preview of the entire first chapter on a French bande dessinée website, but unfortunately it was the best part of the story. Don’t get me wrong, this is a beautiful book and the draughtsmanship is great, but the storytelling leaves a lot to be desired.

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